Eye Envy Tear Stain Facial Cleanser for Dogs and Cats (犬貓均可使用) 淨白去漬潔面泡沬 8.45oz

型號: EN20

HK$198.00 積分換購 : 198分
5 積分回贈


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專為所有犬貓在沖涼時使用(所有顏色適用),除了可以切底清潔面部外,還可以去除眼水或口水污 漬(要達最佳效果日常需配合 Eye Envy 眼部去漬水及或咀部去漬水使用),是犬貓沖涼的必需品!<使用方法> 只需輕輕一按便有豐富泡沬,還有天然草本花香,直接將泡沬塗抺於面上清潔便可。

Looking for a cat and dog face cleanser that's all-natural, non-irritating and safe for puppies and kittens? Look no further than this tear-free face wash from Eye Envy® designed to pamper your pet while effectively treating tear stain issues.

All-Natural Cat & Dog Face Cleanser

Eye Envy Tear Stain Facial Cleanser will aid in the removal of unsightly tear stains from cats and dogs without causing a fuss. This tearless formula contains 30ppm colloidal silver - a natural antibacterial that mimics the properties of antibiotics - and works in conjunction with the Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover Solution for Cats and Dogs and our Tear Stain Remover Powder to speed up the tear stain-removing process.

Choose this foaming cleanser as a gentle kitten or puppy face wash. You can use it as a maintenance facial for dogs and cats of any age who tend to accumulate tear stains.

Benefits of Eye Envy's tear-free face wash for dogs and cats include:

  • Cleanser gently washes away crusty debris, eye gunk and eye discharge
  • Contains 30ppm colloidal silver, a natural antibacterial
  • Foaming, tearless formula is safe for puppies and kittens aged 6 weeks and older
  • Use instead of a whitening, brightening or bluing shampoo
  • For best results, follow up with Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover Solution Cats/Dogs and Tear Stain Remover Powder
  • Does not interfere with any other tear stain removers or treatments
  • Formerly known as Foaming Tear Stain Remover


Colloidal Silver (30ppm) – a natural antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory, which mimics the properties of antibiotics.

Aloe Vera – a natural antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal, helps kill bacteria while nourishing fur.

Argan Oil – provides nutrients for a healthy, shiny coat.

Avocado Oil – an anti-inflammatory packed with Vitamin E for improving skin and eye health.

Coconut Oil – is packed with antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, which helps minimize yeast and bacterial infections that cause tearing.

Safe & Trusted

We use only all natural, human-grade ingredients that we test on ourselves first. We are cruelty free. Does not contain parabens, peroxide, bleach, steroids, antibiotics or other harmful agents.


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