Petalive Respo-K 針對感冒或呼吸道感染 180片

型號: PRSP001

HK$294.00 積分換購 : 294分
5 積分回贈


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Respo-K是順勢療法AmazaPet ™的絕佳伴侶,因為它改善了呼吸功能並減輕了寵物的哮喘症狀。結合使用,Respo-K和AmazaPet可以立即改善寵物的呼吸道感染和哮喘症狀,從而改善整體呼吸系統的健康狀況和肺功能,從而使他們輕鬆呼吸!。

** 患有感冒或呼吸道症狀的貓狗適用

  • 減輕並預防感冒和寵物的呼吸道感染
  • 減輕打噴嚏,咳嗽,水汪汪的眼睛和鼻子的症狀
  • 減少呼吸道感染的恢復時間
  • 通過增強免疫系統預防感冒
  • 阻止繼發感染的複發
  • 促進最佳肺功能,促進呼吸
  • Relieves and prevents colds and respiratory infections in pets
  • Reduces symptoms of sneezing, coughing, watery eyes and nose
  • Decreases recovery time from respiratory infections
  • Prevents colds by strengthening the immune system
  • Stops the recurrence of secondary infections
  • Promotes optimal lung functioning for easy breathing

Ingredients 成分:

Calc sulph,Ferrum phos,Hepar sulph calc,Sambucus nig,Verbascum,非活性成分:山核桃卵樹皮提取物,柑橘提取物,忍冬(Lonicera japonica),聚賴氨酸,純淨水,甜菊醇糖苷(甜菊)

How do I use Respo-K™?


Respo-K™ tablets may be given whole or crushed and mixed with food or a treat, depending on your pet's size and preferences.


Administer 3-5 times daily for 10-15 days as follows:

Cats and Dogs under 20 lbs: 1 tablet.
Dogs 20-50 lbs: 2 tablets.
Dogs over 50 lbs: 3 tablets.

Continue for 3-5 days after the desired effect has been achieved. May be used in conjunction with KC-Defense™ when dogs are to be placed in kennels to support the immune system and encourage respiratory health, or for added long-term respiratory system support, it is recommended that Respo-K™ be administered in conjunction with AmazaPet™.

Note: Safe for animals of all ages, pregnant animals or animals that are nursing. Respo-K™ can safely be used along with prescription medications. No adverse interactions have been noted between the ingredients in Respo-K™ and prescription medications. However, as with any medicine, it is always advisable to consult your vet.


Please consult your vet if symptoms persist.

Get optimum results with regular use.

While conventional medicine works by often treating just the symptoms, natural medicine strives to create holistic balance in the body to support systemic health, relieve ailments, and help prevent future disease. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, the natural ingredients in our remedies support overall health and functioning (rather than just suppressing symptoms).

Pets respond to natural medicine in different ways. Some of our satisfied customers have reported observing immediate results in their pets while many others have reported observing optimal benefits taking effect within 3-6 weeks. To ensure your pet receives optimum results, it is important to administer natural remedies as directed and remain consistent. You may also find that giving your pet a smaller maintenance dose is beneficial for ongoing support. Many customers report using a regular maintenance dose as part of a preventative program for the continued health and well-being of their beloved animals.

How long until I see results?

Because Respo-K™ is 100% homeopathic, it supports the animal body on a cellular level - getting to work upon the first dose. Within a few doses, the respiratory system is supported. Continued improvement will be seen with regular use. While some animals need only a single dose, others may require additional doses, depending on factors such as the age and size of the animal. Response times vary from animal to animal, based on physiological composition and other circumstances. While some animals begin to show an almost immediate improvement that increases over time, others will see results after 3-5 days. For long-term support of the immune system, Immunity and Liver Support™ is recommended.

How long does one bottle last?

One bottle of Respo-K™ contains 180 tablets and will last between 12 days and 6 weeks, depending on the size and dosage needs of your pet.


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