
PetAlive Cushex Drops S針對腎上腺及腦下垂體健康 59ml

型號: PCDR001

HK$294.00 積分換購 : 294分
5 積分回贈


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關鍵字 PetAlive Cushex Drops S針對腎上腺及腦下垂體健康 59ml



但寵物的用藥因為市場不如人類大,因此多用傳統藥物 eg.類固醇、消炎藥等來快速見效。



這品牌透過『 草本配方』+『順勢配方』的系列完整性,幫助了更多毛小孩!


美國PetAlive~Cushex S(庫欣S-草本液)

Cushex Drops-S™是一種100%安全有效,不上癮的天然草藥補品。 Cushex Drops-S™由我們的天然藥物專家團隊制定,旨在促進腎上腺和垂體的平衡,健康以及貓和狗的功能,Cushex Drops-S™可以對腎上腺的健康有所幫助,而不會產生嚴重的副作用。

Cushex Drops-S™包含一系列獨特且經過科學選擇的草藥,這些草藥以其對促進內分泌系統(尤其是下丘腦-垂體-垂體-腎上腺)軸平衡的有益作用而著稱,從而支持身體的許多功能。它可用於幫助身體自然減輕長期暴露於高水平皮質醇的影響,支持健康的能量,強壯的皮膚和皮膚,消化系統的健康等等。





Cushex Drops-S是100%的草藥配方,在治療劑量中包含以下成分:蒲公英,牛蒡,黃芪。


-牛蒡 (Arctium lappa)是一種清潔和除毒的草藥,擅長清潔組織並支持從體內清除廢物。

-黃芪(Astragalus membranaceous)已有數百年曆史,一直被用作恢復活力的草藥。黃芪被稱為適應原,有助於維持腎上腺的平衡。它有助於維持健康的腎上腺皮質功能,對於支持已經在正常範圍內的血壓和血糖水平非常重要。最近的研究證實了黃芪在支持免疫系統方面的積極作用。


-刺五加根 (Eleutherococcus)通常被簡稱為“ Eleuthero”,並被高度推崇並被視為一種天然能量補品,以支持能量,循環和自然生命力,並作為整體的系統性支持者。 Eleuthero可與人參媲美,是健康腎上腺激素的極佳支持性補品。還顯示出它具有抗壓力,抗炎和保護肝臟的特性。

◆食慾增加 – 長期暴露於皮質醇最明顯的問題就是食慾增加,而且經常乞討。

Cushex S(庫欣S)


◆ 如何使用:可直接加入食物中,初期建議每日2-3次
20磅(9公斤以下)犬貓 4-6滴;
20~50磅(9公斤到20公斤)犬 0.25ML
20公斤以上犬 0.5ML

一瓶60毫升的Cushex Drops-S可以使用20-80天,具體取決於寵物的大小和需求。

◆ 注意事項:

◆ 製造商:美國

Dandelion, Burdock, Astragalus, Licorice, Eleuthero Root

Other Ingredients – Vegetable glycerine, deionized water

PetAlive Cushex S Drops contain a blend of both herbal ingredients specially selected to treat Cushing’s in pets. Each ingredient of this natural remedy has a specific role to play in normalizing adrenal function, balancing corticosteroid levels or reducing the troublesome symptoms of this condition.

What is Cushing’s Disease?

Cushing’s disease is also known as hyperadrenocorticism and is characterized by the over-production of hormones from the adrenal glands. The extra high levels of these hormones in your pet’s body can cause varied and serious symptoms.

Function and Definition of the Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands are two, small bean-shaped structures situated above each of your pet’s two kidneys. They consist of two separate regions: an inner adrenal medulla surrounded by an outer adrenal cortex.

The adrenal glands release a wide variety of hormones. The medulla is responsible for producing epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenaline). These hormones control the body’s reaction to stress and affect blood pressure and heart rate. The adrenal cortex produces hormones such as cortisone and aldosterone which are necessary for balancing fluid and electrolytes (salt) in the body as well as regulating the use of dietary protein, fats and carbohydrates and controlling inflammation.


What are the symptoms of Cushing’s Disease?

High levels of corticosteroids in the body can cause a number of health problems in pets including:

  • Increased thirst/drinking and urination
  • Increased appetite
  • Panting
  • High blood pressure
  • Loss of hair
  • Calcified lumps in the skin
  • Thinning skin and susceptibility to infections
  • Over time, if not well-controlled, Cushing’s can increase your pet’s risk of other conditions including diabetes, weakening of the heart and nervous system disease.


What are the main causes of Cushing’s in pets?

There are a couple of possible causes for Cushing’s in pets. The first is that your pet may be taking in excess corticosteroids in the form of medications such as Prednisone. If your pet is not taking a drug like Prednisone and has been diagnosed with Cushing’s, it is probably due to a tumor (usually benign) on either of the adrenal glands themselves or on the pituitary gland.

Contains no gluten, artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. One 59 ml bottle of Cushex Drops will last for 15 – 60 days, depending on the size and needs of your pet.

Country of origin: USA

Manufacturer: Native Remedies

Suggested Use

  • The drops are easy to administer to pets and may be mixed with food or a treat.
  • To be taken 2-3 times per day at the following dosage


Pet TypeDosage
Cats & Small Dogs2 – 3 Drops
Small to Medium Dogs5 Drops
Medium to Large dogs8 – 10 Drops


How long until I see results? 
Degree and speed of improvement differs from animal to animal, depending on many factors. With regular use, you should begin to notice a general improvement in health within 3 – 6 weeks.



  • Please consult your veterinarian if needed.
  • Safety during pregnancy and nursing has not yet been established.
  • Not recommended for dogs with Addison’s disease.


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