
Zeal Petmilk for Cats 貓用寵物牛奶 255ml

型號: NP052

HK$ 24.00 積分換購 : 24分


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關鍵字 Zeal Petmilk for Cats 貓用寵物牛奶 255ml
  • 新鮮全脂牛奶、低聚半乳糖、紐西蘭藍鱈魚油、維生素和礦物質(牛磺酸、維生素E、 B1、 B2)、食品酵素(乳糖酵素)。

ZEAL貓用寵物牛奶不僅不含能導致貓貓腸道不適的乳糖,並加入額外營養確保貓貓能獲得更均衡的養份。添加了專門針對貓貓的牛磺酸,保護視力,大腦及心臟。添加藍鱈魚油增強免疫力、皮膚和皮毛的健康。添加 GOS黃金益生元(源自乳汁中的珍貴成份)可幫助改善及維持貓貓的腸道健康,讓貓貓的胃腸舒適消化,並具有天然甜味。適合所有年齡的貓貓。紐西蘭製造。 UHT 處理過的牛奶。 請存放於通風乾燥處,避免陽光直射及高溫,使用前請搖勻,開封後請冷藏。 開封後5天內喝完。 建議食用份量(毫升/天): 幼貓:50-100毫升 成貓及老貓:100-150毫升

Made in New Zealand from fresh free range grass fed New Zealand cow's milk. We remove the lactose to make it easy to digest while maintaining the natural goodness and taste that cats love. Prebiotic GOS has been added to enhance digestion. Hoki oil helps boost immunse system and quality of coats. Taurine is needed for eye, brain and heart health. UHT treated milk. Shake well before use and refrigerate after opening. Use within 5 days of opening. Recommended feeding amounts: Kitten: 50-100ml per day; Adults: 100-150ml per day.


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