
Petalive Ear Dr. (治療耳道痕癢及感染) 30ml

型號: PEDR001

HK$324.00 積分換購 : 324分
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關鍵字 Petalive Ear Dr. (治療耳道痕癢及感染) 30ml



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PetAlive Ear Dr.治療耳道痕癢及感染

Ear Dr.™是一種100%安全有效,不上癮的天然草藥補品。由我們的天然醫學專家團隊制定的配方,旨在促進貓和狗的耳朵健康和舒適感,Ear Dr.™支持寵物抓撓耳朵和瘙癢的症狀。

Ear Dr.™包含科學選擇的草藥,可舒緩狗和貓的耳道。在特級初榨橄欖油基質中使用金盞花,毛蕊花,迷迭香和茶樹精油的獨特治療混合物,Ear Dr.™可為貓狗的耳部疾病提供支持。




Ear Dr.是一種100%的草藥配方,在治療劑量中包含以下成分:金盞花,Mullein,迷迭香,茶樹精油和特級初榨橄欖油。


一瓶30毫升的Ear Dr.瓶可持續使用20至40天,具體取決於寵物的大小和需求。

Ingredients – Calendula (Calendula officinals) (flower), Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) (flower), Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) (leaf), Tea tree essential oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Other Ingredients Extra virgin olive oil

PetAlive Ear Dr. contains a blend of natural, herbal ingredients in a medicinal olive oil base, all specially selected to treat and prevent ear infections and ear mites without the side effects of prescription drugs or the health and environmental risks associated with commercial synthetic pesticides. Ear Dr. can provide safe yet effective relief from your pet’s ear problems and helps to prevent the spread of mites from one pet to another.

Signs and symptoms of ear problems in pets

Ear infections are very common amongst cats and dogs and can cause severe irritation and discomfort in your beloved pet. Some animals, particularly hounds, are more susceptible to ear infections than others due to the particular structure of their outer ears.

Common signs of ear infection are

  • Shaking of the head and ears
  • Scratching or rubbing the ears and face
  • Discharge or even bleeding from the ears
  • Foul smell coming from the ears
  • Sensitivity to touching in the ear area
  • General irritability

There are a number of causes of ear infection and common culprits include bacteria, yeasts and mites. Less commonly, allergies may have a role to play in inflammation and subsequent infection of the ears.

What are ear mites?

Ear mites, or Otodectes cynotis, are small, parasitic creatures that usually live in the ears of your pets causing severe itching and inflammation. These mites can also live on the head or body of dogs and cats with the same effects. They are often large enough to see with the naked eye, can live off a pet’s skin for some time and are very mobile, allowing easy movement between host animals. These mites are highly contagious and will spread between pets in the same household very easily. They may affect both cats and dogs and even humans may pick up these little critters. Secondary infections in pets with ear mites are common and generally involve bacteria or yeasts.

100% Natural Ingredients Extracted in a Medicinal Olive Oil Base

  • Melaleuca alternifolia is also known as Tea Tree Oil and is widely used for external inflammation and to treat various skin conditions. This oil has outstanding anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and healing properties. Tea Tree Oil will soothe and reduce inflammation in the ear as well as treat any bacterial, fungal or mite infection that is present.
  • Rosmarinus officinale (Rosemary) is well-known as a topical pain reliever and antiseptic/disinfectant herb. Several of the compounds in rosemary have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Calendula officinalis (Marigold) is an herbal ingredient used to treat skin problems and promote healing of wounds. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory and prevents infection with its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. Marigold has been shown to assist the regeneration of damaged skin tissue.
  • Verbascum thapsus is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic herb. Verbascum thapsus is also good for healing of skin when applied topically and has a long history of use for ear conditions and in ear drops.

Contains no gluten, artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. One 30 ml bottle of Ear Dr. will last for 20-40 days, depending on the size and needs of your pet.

This item is not available for shipment to California.

Country of origin: USA

Manufacturer: Native Remedies

Suggested Use

  • Hold your pet’s head gently to one side and allow the drops to fall into the ear canal.
  • Massage gently to spread the oil into the ear canal.
  • Repeat 2 – 3 times daily for at least 7 – 10 days.
  • Re-apply at the very first signs of re-infection.
  • In the case of chronic ear problems, apply once or twice weekly as a preventative.


Pet TypeDaily Dosage
Cats & Small Dogs2 – 3 Drops in the affected ear
Medium to Large dogs3 – 5 Drops in the affected ear


How long until I see results?
Improvement in discomfort, itchiness and pain should begin almost immediately after applying the drops and will continue to improve over 1-3 weeks of regular use.



  • For external use only.
  • Please consult your veterinarian should symptoms persist.


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