Fussie Cat 高竇貓

Fussie Cat 高竇貓

At Pets Global, we see things differently. We believe a food should be created with highest quality natural ingredients (with added vitamins, minerals and taurine) and be based on the nutritional science with a touch of love. 

Our belief is that your feline companion is an integral part of the family and they deserve the best. Although nothing can ever replace a raw natural diet, in our modern age of concrete cities and suburbs it's not always easy to let our cats chase down their dinner. 

That's why we've made it our mission to create a food we believe to be as close as nature intended while making it reasonably convenient for busy people to use. Our products can now be found in independent pet stores all states across the U.S. and at several online outlets. 

We are firmly committed to supporting the health and happiness of all pets. We are striving to make a difference in the quality of life of your pet and also to save the lives of dogs and cats by educating as many people as we can on the importance of proper nutrition for our pets. 


Fussie Cat® is produced in a FDA-registered manufacturing facility that also produces canned food for human consumption. The same manufacturing process for producing canned human food is applied to the manufacturing process of Fussie Cat® to ensure we deliver you a high quality product with stringent quality control that exceeds the international standard. This is to ensure your feline companion receives only the safest & highest quality products available. 

Pets Global, Inc is an independent pet food company with a strong passion for animal welfare. Being independently owned we have the freedom to create the best cat food for our companions without being hindered by corporate America whose sole purpose in the pet food business is to make as much profit as possible and to satisfy Wall St. 

Our people truly who love their cats and dogs, Pets Global employees understand the bond that exists between people and their animal companions. We want a healthy, happy and energetic companion animal. 

At Pets Global, we've established a Team of professionals to work closely with our customers and listen to their needs. We then channel feedback to our R&D team to research and produce the highest quality formulas with the wholesome ingredients. We're convinced that right food will not only nourishes our feline companion's bodies but also their soul and helps them to live a long, happy and healthy life. 

Our goal is to produce a food that exceeds your expectations. 

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